Over the years, SMS technology has increased, offering us the possibility of sending a large number of text messages to the intended recipients and trusting that the messages are actually being read.
The advantages of Bulk SMS apply to all sorts of areas, some of which you wouldn’t even take into consideration. One example is education. Educational institutions can implement Robo SMS system in order to send key information to parents or even students.
Here are just a few examples of how Robo SMS allows parents, teachers and students communicate better:
1. Attendance SMS
You can easily keep your students on track by sending a weekly SMS to parents with their children’s absences from classes. It will give your institution a boost of trust from parents and will help students not miss their future courses.
2. Students report card
Keep parents informed on the progress of their children by sending report cards via SMS at the end of the month. This way, parents will be able to follow on their child’s activity at school and see where they might need some extra help.
3. Parents - teacher meetings
Easily inform parents about student - teacher meetings and even send reminders of the meeting using Robo SMS. Traditionally, schools notify parents about meetings through students, or call each parent, just to make sure that they are informed and that they will be participating. Robo SMS will help you save time and energy, by simply texting all parents and asking for a confirmation of participation as well.
4. School announcements
We all know that school does not start each year on the same day, nor does it end on the same date. Inform parents easily on school opening by using a simple Bulk SMS campaign. This way you will be sure that all parties are informed and reduce time and money by doing so.
5. Holidays
Holidays may be a reason to celebrate, but it could also be confusing, as not all the private companies give days off holidays to their employees. Make sure all parents have been informed on time about the days off school, so that they can schedule their timetable.
6. School events
School events are easily announced by using Bulk SMS. No parent wants to miss their child’s event; maybe a school play or musical, graduation, football match or maybe parents have to bring cookies at the end of school year. Keep it all simple and easy with Robo SMS.
7. Institute fees
When it comes to fees, no one wants to be the bearer of bad news. Instead of awkward phone calls, where you have to explain to parents that they have fees to pay in order for their child to keep studying at your institution, try using Robo SMS. A simple reminder is the key to better communication sometimes.